Vasculyse 2G- Skin Tag Removal

What is the Skin Tag?

Skin TagSkin Tags is a piece of soft, benign and harmless skin growth that may hangs off the skin and attaches to it by a short stalk, but some of them are flat. They are vary in size and color.

Skin tags can appear anywhere of the body, but most of them appear on the area that rub with the clothes or against skin  so usually they occur around the neck, armpits, on the eyelids, around the groin, or under the breasts, and some people have skin tags on the face which can be annoying and people don’t like the way they look.

Skin tags generally don’t have pain and they are benign, but usually recommend to remove them because sometimes they are a source of discomfort or they are irritated, also because of cosmetic problem.

There are different techniques to remove skin tags, but which procedure can solve this unpleasant problem safely and effective?

Thanks to the Vasculyse 2G, which is the latest technology to correct any type of skin tags, without any discomfort and without bleeding. The Vasculyse treatment is a non-invasive, effective, quick, and completely safe.

For more information or schedule for FREE skin consultation call at Unique Skin care.


One thought on “What is the Skin Tag?

  1. Kelley Bryant says:

    Hi I have a shin tag under my eye, I was wondering if you can remove from this area.

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